• 中医 ,针灸,中药,循经推拿,艾灸,李氏砭法,原始点疗法


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  • Words & Pictures

    Step. Step. Eat. Write.

    作者 胡秀梅 2018金秋时节,狮城再次迎来了德高望重的一代砭法宗师—李道政先生。我很荣幸通过新加坡妈妈中医和国内道生中医的考核,成功的申请到这次名额有限的“助教”资格。 传说中的帅老头...
  • Collaborations

    My work with the entrepreneurial community in Seattle

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    The Pioneer Collective

    I held a workshop to teach noobs travel photography and writing. Covering topics like how to spin a blog using Strikingly in under 10 minutes!

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    Smart Biz Seattle

    I sat down with the Editor of Smart Biz Seattle to chat about the story behind my travel blog. Plenty of advice for how to roll with the punches as a solo traveler.

  • Ping Me

    I'm a Seattle-based writer and photographer. I'd love to meet up for a cuppa and chat about travel.